Greenbelt, MD – September 2022
Leading the Way in Digital Transformation
GAMA-1 Technologies, LLC was awarded the NOAA National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service (NESDIS) Office of Satellite Ground Services (OSGS) for Subject Matter Expertise (SME) for Cloud Development and Innovation Initiatives Task Order under the NOAA Mission IT Services (NMITS) BPA. NESDIS provides secure and timely access to global environmental data from satellites and other sources to promote and protect the Nation’s security, environment, economy, and quality of life.
“GAMA-1 is honored NESDIS chose our team with their vote of high confidence of success in our proposed technical and management approach. An approach that entails providing the subject matter expertise to increase efficiency, eliminate redundancy, modernize the NESDIS Ground Enterprise (NGE) technology, and reduce the total cost of ownership of all NGE systems,” announced Gustavo Gamarra, GAMA-1 President. Mr. Gamarra added, “I am confident and proud of our GAMA-1 Digital Transformation Team who have played a significant role in building momentum around modernizing the NGE using cloud technologies. Our Cloud SMEs have supported multi-tier development, architecture, and deployment of Cloud IT systems, from the inception of the NESDIS cloud pilot project to the delivery of the operational AWS NESDIS Common Cloud Framework to the rapidly expanding development efforts supported by NCIS and ASSISTT. We celebrate this contract award with additional valuable members of our DT-COE, including ECS Federal, Element 84, Peraton, Riverside, L2Cyber, and TechTraverse. Each has extensive experience deploying various Cloud IT services, collectively designing, deploying, and managing dozens of multi-account and multi-tier solutions for public, private, and non-profit customers.”
As an AWS Advanced Tiered Services Partner, GAMA-1’s AWS experience goes back to the inception of the NOAA and NESDIS cloud journey. This journey includes using native AWS-managed services. Our SMEs implemented over 30 different AWS cloud projects. We leverage AWS’ existing cloud services to recommend or support our customers’ specific objectives, such as managed services, including AWS Transfer Family, AWS EventBridge, AWS Steps Function, and AWS ParallelCluster.