GAMA-1 Technologies joins The Maryland Space Business Roundtable (MSBR). MSBR is a nonprofit organization for aerospace and technology businesses, universities, and individuals in Maryland as well as the surrounding national capital region that share a mutual interest in promoting a robust space community. The Roundtable provides a common ground for these companies to meet, interact, learn, and act on initiatives for future growth.
Members like GAMA-1 Technologies represent the dynamic needs and interests of Maryland’s space community. The MSBR conducts networking, education, and community outreach programs throughout the year. The MSBR is governed by bylaws and operated by Officers under the direction of a Board. Officers and Board members are elected by Members. The Officers and Board of Directors represent the Maryland space business and academic community and the MSBR constituency base.
This month MSBR hosted Dr. Karen St. Germain, Director of the Office of System’s Architecture and Advanced Planning (OSAAP) for NOAA’s Satellite and Information Services. Dr. Germain presented MSBR’s members on NESDIS’ Mission Enabling Architecture.